Infisign Showcases Breakthrough Interoperability in Verifiable Credential Issuance and Verification
The demonstration leveraged W3C standards and Decentralized Identifiers, marking a significant achievement for Infisign's state-of-the-art IAM solution.
Infisign Showcases Breakthrough Interoperability in Verifiable Credential Issuance and Verification

Infisign, a prominent Identity and Access Management (IAM) platform, proudly reveals its successful participation in Jobs for the Future's (JFF) PlugFest 3, focusing on advanced interoperability for Verifiable Credential (VC) issuance and verification. The demonstration leveraged W3C standards and Decentralized Identifiers, marking a significant achievement for Infisign's state-of-the-art IAM solution.

Key Achievements:

  1. Display of Verifiable Credentials: Infisign demonstrated a variety of verifiable credentials, including the JFF PlugFest 3 badge (OBv3), a USCIS identity document, and an additional VC. Each displayed crucial details like issuer name, badge image, and achievement specifics.

  2. Credential Request Handling: The platform efficiently received and processed credential requests initiated by the JFF PlugFest team.

  3. Credential Selection: Utilizing Infisign's user-friendly interface, holders could effortlessly select the relevant credentials for presentation.

  4. Verifiable Presentation: Infisign generated and returned a verifiable presentation for verification, meeting the event's stringent requirements.

  5. Authentication Success: The platform successfully passed meticulous tests verifying the authenticity of both Verifiable Presentation (VP) and Verifiable Credentials (VCs).

  6. Featured Use Case: A standout use case involved issuing multiple verifiable credentials—a Permanent Resident Card, a University Degree Credential, and an Academic Award Credential—to a holder. The verifier then generated a single verification request requiring specific attributes from each credential. Leveraging the OIDC4VP protocol, the holder could share these credentials using Infisign's identity wallet.

Jegan Selvaraj, CEO of Infisign, expressed, "The event provided an excellent platform to display our commitment to pioneering standards in the IAM landscape. We demonstrated how seamlessly our technology integrates with existing industry protocols."

Aditya Santhanam, Chief Technology and Product Officer at Infisign, added, "Infisign remains steadfast in its mission to provide secure and privacy-centric identity management solutions. Our success at PlugFest 3 affirms our progress and the value we bring to the IAM sector."

Sharon Leu, Executive in Residence at JFF Labs, commended companies like Infisign for advancing interoperability. She stated, "We applaud Infisign's commitment to using decentralized identifiers and verifiable credentials to give control and privacy to the users." Infisign's participation in PlugFest 3 contributes to the evolution of a marketplace for products that facilitate the use of digital wallets for learning and employment records, empowering users in accessing quality jobs.



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